DoxyPEP to Prevent STIs
STIs affect men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans women more than other populations. Contracting an STI also results in an elevated risk of contracting HIV if you are in this group. The risk is twice as high with chlamydia infection, and can be as much as four times greater for syphilis and gonorrhea.
These higher risks have prompted ongoing research into innovative prevention methods like DoxyPEP.
What is DoxyPEP?
DoxyPEP is post-expsoure prophylaxis for STIs, and reduces your risk of contracting STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis.
DoxyPEP is a common antibiotic called Doxycycline. Post-exposure prophylaxis means you take Doxycycline after condomless sex, and within 24-72 hours of anal, oral, or vaginal/frontal sex without a condom. It’s like a morning-after pill for STIs.
How do you take DoxyPEP?
The recommended dose to prevent STIs is 200mg (2-100mg pills) of doxycycline, taken within 24 hours of condomless oral, anogenital, or vaginal sex, and no later than 72 hours after. It is a single dose. If you have sex again - within 24 hours of taking DoxyPEP - you will take another 200mg dose of doxycline 24 hours after your last dose.
See: Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance Factsheet on DoxyPEP
Talk to your Doctor about DoxyPEP.
Doxycycline for STI prevention is currently prescribed off-label.
Although DoxyPEP is not officially approved by Health Canada, there is sound research that supports its use, and it is currently being prescribed by some healthcare providers.
If you think DoxyPEP might be for you, make an appointment to see your family doctor. You can show them this webpage if they need more information.
How do I get DoxyPEP?
You will need a prescription for doxycycline to use as DoxyPEP from your family doctor.
Doxycycline is inexpensive, readily available at your pharmacy, and covered by all insurance plans.
If you have questions about getting DoxyPEP, please talk to a pharmacist at The Village Pharmacy. We already have clients taking it and we will give you well-informed guidance if you are considering DoxyPEP.
Need a doctor?
Try these clinics:
Virtual: Tia Health , free with your Ontario Health Card
In-person: Safer Six Clinic
Find a family doctor:
*Ask the doctor to fax your prescription to The Village Pharmacy. We’ll keep your prescription ready and answer your questions about taking DoxyPEP.
What are the benefits of taking DoxyPEP?
Taking DoxyPEP allows for safer sex, particularly among gay or bi men, and trans women. You can think of it as a ‘morning-after pill’ for common STIs.
How much does DoxyPEP cost?
DoxyPEP costs around $25 per month. It is covered by most insurance plans.
Is DoxyPEP covered by insurance?
Yes! DoxyPEP is covered by the Ontario Drug Benefits plan (ODB), which includes OHIP+, Trillium, ODSP, Ontario Works and the Seniors drug coverage programs.
Most private insurance plans through your employer or school will also cover DoxyPEP. Depending on the level of coverage on. your plan, you may have to pay a deductible out-of-pocket.
Are there any side effects to taking Doxycycline?
Doxycycline has been used for over fifty years and is considered to be generally safe and well-tolerated. This holds true even when used over long periods of time.
Still, some individuals may experience side effects such as nausea or vomiting or an increased susceptibility to sunburn, so taking precautions in the sun such as avoiding peak sun hours, wearing long-sleeves and sunscreen is important. In addition, doxycycline will not work properly if taken with minerals such calcium, iron, aluminum, magnesium or zinc and should be separated by 2-3 hours from any products or food containing these minerals.
Checking in with your pharmacist and doctor regularly can help you manage any side effects you may encounter.
DoxyPEP vs DoxyPrEP?
You may also have heard of DoxyPrEP.
DoxyPrEP is not as common as DoxyPEP. DoxyPrEP uses Doxycycline as a pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent STIs. It is taken every day to prevent STIs. This means DoxyPrEP stays in your system and targets harmful bacteria to prevent infection whenever you are exposed.
DoxyPEP is post-exposure prophylaxis for STIs, which means you only take Doxycycline after unprotected sex.
Are you interested in taking DoxyPEP or want to learn more?
DoxyPEP is one option to help you prevent sexually transmitted illnesses if you have unprotected sex.
Get in touch anytime with our pharmacists at The Village Pharmacy if you have any questions. We’re here for you.