Updated March 16, 2020

If you are unwell, please request your prescriptions online, or download the app.  We will deliver your meds for free, anywhere in Toronto / GTA.

The health, safety and well-being of our employees and patients at The Village Pharmacy is our top priority, and we are following the lead of Canadian public health authorities. 

The Village Pharmacy is introducing additional cleaning and disinfecting protocols at both our 473 Church Street and 535 Yonge Street locations, including at the prescription counter and in the dispensary area.  Please use the hand sanitizer we always keep at the front cash.

To protect yourself and others, please do not come  into the Pharmacy if you are feeling unwell for any reason, or if you have  travelled anywhere outside Canada in the past 14 days, or if you have come into contact with someone who is ill.

If you need your meds, please request your prescription online or use the app and we will deliver them to your door within 1-2 business days, at no charge. 

I know this is a challenging time for everyone. I hope you continue to take the advice of Public Health Authorities and follow their recommendations:

  • self-isolate as much as possible and

  • self-isolate for 14 days if you are unwell or have returned from travel outside Canada

  • avoid large gatherings

  • wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and frequently throughout the day, (or use hand sanitizer when you can’t get to a sink)

  • avoid shaking hands or other contact when greeting your friends - do a friendly namaste, the Vulcan salute (like Spock) or hand over heart instead.

Reliable sources of information about the Coronavirus:

COVID-19 Assessment Centres - Toronto

Toronto Public Health

Public Health Agency of Canada


Globe and Mail

Finally, we will continue to provide pharmacy services to all our clients and will keep the lines of communication open. Please check back on our website for updates, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Thank you for your cooperation and take good care.



HIV & COVID-19 UPDATE - October 2020